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Thursday, June 9, 2011

Motor City Comic Con pt 2 David Petersen

Interview with artist and writer David Petersen, creator of the popular comic Mouse Guard. A medieval fantasy adventure that follows a group of mice who's perilous task is to ensure the safety and be a guide to their fellow kin who reside in independent villages and towns hidden away from would be predators. It has two volumes, with a third in the works, a spin off series and possibilities of a film.
I find it a quite different take on the whole anthro tales that are similar to it. No prophecies (so far) it's not some overdone "Mice are at war with rats because all rats are evil and mice are all perfect!." No plothole creating magic either, just pure medieval lore in the setting of twelfth century Michigan. Honestly the sophistication of the world, and characters made me think this came from anywhere but america, let alone Michigan. Much to my pleasant surprise soon after.
I intend to delve into this a little more in my "not in theaters" show I have in mind.

To be continued next with Jeremy A. Bastian. Don't worry next video to come out will be FCN related for those wondering.

1 comment:

  1. We'll be set up this weekend in Detroit (Novi actually) ! Any Corral members present stop on by and say Hey! Don't know the booth number.

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