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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

How A Sales Career Changed My Life Part 4 of 4 CraftyTalk

How do I end this. It was a incredible experience. The people I have worked with are certainly people I consider friends, some of the most ethical, ambitious, self motivating people I could ever of hoped to meet. It's amazing how many came and went, but the ones that stayed you were able to see grow and change in a rapid session. Though I may of had a love hate relationship with the career itself with all the headaches of selling things, coming up short with utilities and rent, car breaking down. Things happened that never would of happened if I was still working the shitty retail jobs. Now I have a job I like a lot, I'm more focused on my creative works more then I have ever been. From here all I can do is move forward. I wouldn't of been able to do any of this if it were not for the support of my man, my family and friends. I only wish to make them all proud of me as much as I am proud of them.

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