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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Need funds for a new camera!

Hello everybody. As many of you may not of known I have been busy searching for a new job. This is why I have been so slow as of late. I have found a new job and can move out, however I will now be required to return the camera I have on loan from my old job. This is going to leave me without any means to record any new videos and shows I have planned. I am looking for contributions so I may obtain a new camera. Our current goal is to raise enough money for the purchase of this.

The Canon EOS Rebel T3i 600D

After talks with other videographers and my mate this is the best affordable camera we can hope to obtain in a short period before Anthrocon.
Any more will go towards the purchase of equipment such as lights, steady cam or even a better camera for me to use for years to come.

If it wasn’t for your support I wouldn’t be doing this right now. I went into furry filming not hoping for anything other then to capture funny and entertaining moments and you all gave me that and more. If it wasn’t for all of you with your support and encouragement I wouldn’t be here today working long hours into the nights and weekends, forgoing sleep, In order to complete my lined up projects. I hope to only to continue to do so for years and years to come with your support.
Don’t think of this as donations but an investment. Your money will help me purchase the equipment needed for me to conduct my work. Your pay off will be content that is just as good if not better then what I am doing now and what groups like us have planned.

Send your contributions here

Paypal address

If you wish to mail your contribution an address will be provided by note.
Please title it “Camera Fund,” and if you want your name to be included on the donor list.
And please send this journal to everyone you can. Especially those who you know enjoy my work.
Thank you for your time and efforts, it will never be forgotten.

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