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Monday, June 13, 2011

Super 8 Film Verdict, & coming Attractions

Super 8 was ok, just ok. I enjoyed it, the movie surrounding the kids works, in the adults case.. not so much. Certain plots don't get resolved that well or, at all it seems like. Cinematography was excellent, that train scene is something I'd watch again, just not the entire movie itself.Coming attractions covered this week. Green Lantern, Father's Day, and Mr. Popper's Penguins.


  1. Holy crap! A CGI animal film where the animals don't talk? Some in Hollywood has a brain?

    Please tell me I'm not in the Twilight Zone.

  2. @Daikun

    I know I was shocked. Don't worry the ZooKeeper will make up for it I'm sure.

  3. There's aspect of Super 8 that annoyed the shit out of me after a while and that was the blue light effect. Any time there was any kind of light, there was this blue light that streamed across the screen. The same blue light is even in the movie poster. It was ok a couple of times when it was necessary to give us that 70's/80's movie feel but sometimes it was there for no reason. Also, though invented in 1974, Rubik's Cubes were not introduced in the U.S. until 1980. I just happened to know that fact, cause I'm into Rubik's cubes, and then the kids mentioned it when they came across the white cubes on the train (this setting was 1979).

    As for Mr. Poopers (ya that's right) Penguins, it might be good considering Jim Carrey doesn't typically do really bad movies. The script has to have some substance because I'm sure Brendon Frasier was available for a shitty movie.
    I think I feel the same as you on Green Lantern, and I like Ryan Reynolds so I think its a fine choice though I wish they would have gotten a black dude for it. I think most kids today grew up on Justice League and just associate Green Lantern with a muscular black dude.

    Oh god, Troma films still exists? I will say that my favorite Troma movie is Cannibal: The Musical with Trey Parker and Matt Stone (South park creators). I have even recently watched it and still found it hilarious. Those 2 don't get enough credit for their creativity and innovative comedy.

  4. @aiden-raccoon
    Well yeah but the first lantern was Hal Jordon then some graphic artist, then John Stewart (the black guy!)
    I must of been the only one not to notice the blue light or any of the blurring during the movie. That never even occured to me. nice call on the rubix cubes.

  5. I think I feel the same as you on Green Lantern, and I like Ryan Reynolds so I think its a fine choice though I wish they would have gotten a black dude for it.

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